Business travel news

Powering the corporate travel

Since 1984, the BTN Group (Business Travel News, Business Travel News Europe, and The Beat) has been the leading global source of business travel and meeting information, news, data, analysis and research serving the $1.4 trillion business travel industry. Our audience of corporate travel managers, procurement/sourcing executives and travel management professionals purchase/manage billions of dollars of business travel and meetings annually and they are responsible for setting travel/meeting policy on behalf of their company and organization. The BTN Group produces over forty annual conferences, events and tradeshows in North America and Europe creating the ideal environment for corporate travel/meeting buyers and suppliers to connect through education and networking. The BTN Group Content Solutions division produces custom webinars, research, white papers, newsletters, case studies, account-based marketing programs and more for suppliers.

Business Travel News reaches over 113,000 corporate travel managers, procurement/sourcing executives and travel management professionals and has been producing business travel and meeting information, news, data, analysis, and research for 40 years. Annually, BTN publishes the Airline Survey & Report, Hotel Survey & Report, Car Rental & Ground Transportation Survey & Report, Travel Manager Salary Survey & Report, Sustainability Survey & Report, Small & Midsize Travel Program Survey & Report, Corporate Travel 100 Report, Technology Report, Meetings Management Report, Corporate Travel Index and the 25 Most Influential People of the Year. BTN’s digital portfolio includes BTN Daily, BTN Global, BTN Travel Management, Sustainable Business Travel and the industry’s leading website



BTN Group Portfolio